converting base64 on the commandline

categories: oneliner

There is an interesting amount of ways to do that. First line is encoding, second line is decoding.

using python:

python -m base64 -e < infile > outfile
python -m base64 -d < infile > outfile

using openssl (-a is short for -base64):

openssl enc -a -e < infile > outfile
openssl enc -a -d < infile > outfile

using base64 (part of the coreutils package):

base64 < infile > outfile
base64 -d < infile > outfile

using perl:

perl -MMIME::Base64 -ne 'print encode_base64($_)' < infile > outfile
perl -MMIME::Base64 -ne 'print encode_base64($_)' < infile > outfile

using uuencode (but adds a header and footer):

uuencode -m - < infile > outfile
uudecode < infile > outfile
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