shell commands in parallel
Sat, 04 Jun 2011 19:58 categories: codeI needed a way to execute a list of commands in parallel. Existing tools like
parallel from the moreutils debian package and pexec only allowed to pass the
arguments by commandline. This becomes a problem when there are more commands
than exec()
can handle. You find out that limit with getconf NCARGS
Another issue with them is that they allow only a list of arguments that they
append to a given command, not a list of commands to be run in parallel. Also
the number of arguments that they can give to that command is limited to one.
They also can only execute one command and not a chain of commands separated by
What I needed was a program that would sequentially read commands or multiple commands separated by semicolons from a file. One command or chain of them per line and execute them when the overall number of currently executing processes is below a threshold.
The following script reads a file from stdin
and does exactly what I want:
while read CMD; do
sh -c "$CMD" &
# if enough processes were created
while [ $NUM -ge $MAX_NPROC ]; do
# check whether any process finished
for PID in $QUEUE; do
if [ ! -d /proc/$PID ]; then
# rebuild new queue from processes
# that are still alive
for PID in $TMPQUEUE; do
if [ -d /proc/$PID ]; then
sleep 0.5
EDIT: way too late I figured out that what I wanted to do is much easier by just using xargs like this:
cat command_list | xargs --delimiter='\n' --max-args=1 --max-procs=4 sh -c
where -P executes sh in parallel.
Fri, 03 Jun 2011 23:21 categories: codeA friend of mine recently gave me her Huawei E1550 umts modem and as many
others it first presents itself to the operating system as a usb cdrom drive.
It will only switch to serial modem mode when the cdrom is ejected. For this to
happen you can fire the eject
command and you are done. Since I was curious
how linux would eject a cdrom and how eject
really works I investigated and
found that I can replicate the eject
behavior with this C snippet.
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <linux/cdrom.h>
int main() {
int ret, fd;
fd = open("/dev/sr0", O_NONBLOCK);
if (fd == -1) {
ret = ioctl(fd, CDROMEJECT, 0);
if (ret == -1) {
or alternatively with this python oneliner:
python -c "import fcntl, os; fcntl.ioctl('/dev/sr0', os.O_NONBLOCK), 0x5309, 0)"
css media queries
Thu, 02 Jun 2011 04:44 categories: blogWhen I learned about css media queries from Debian Developer Vincent Bernat's blog I made a few changes to the css of this site as well.
I increased the content width from 600px to 700px and made use of this construct throughout the css:
media screen and (max-width: 700px) {#content {width:100%;}}
This piece will overwrite the width property of the content div from static 700px to variable 100% of the window size and by that consuming whatever the sub-700px-width screen size leaves for the main content. The positive effect of this measure is that on screens below a width of 700px, no horizontal scrolling will be needed to read the main content. It will be cramped in whatever is offered. This is of course most usable on mobile devices. Horizontal scrolling will only be needed to access the main menu. I could put the menu at the bottom but decided that scrolling sidewards will be less hassle than scrolling to the bottom of a page.
I not only changed the content width for screens below 700px width but also adapted margins and paddings from 1em to barely noticeable 1 pixel.
Try to resize your browser window to below 700px to see the effect - it's pretty nifty and works without any javascript on browsers that understand that css property.
using bluez
Tue, 31 May 2011 09:18 categories: tutorialSitting in a lonely text file somewhere on my harddrive let me finally write down some useful commands that allowed me to use my bluetoooth devices with bluez 4.
apt-get install bluez bluez-gstreamer bluez-alsa
hcitool scan
python /usr/share/doc/bluez/examples/test-discovery
listing adapters
python /usr/share/doc/bluez/examples/list-devices
dbus-send --system --dest=org.bluez --print-reply / org.bluez.Manager.ListAdapters
dbus-send --system --dest=org.bluez --print-reply $path org.bluez.Adapter.GetProperties
will be something along the lines of /org/bluez/2199/hci0
and it's
printed by the first dbus-send
listing device details
dbus-send --system --dest=org.bluez --print-reply $devpath org.bluez.Device.GetProperties
dbus-send --system --dest=org.bluez --print-reply $devpath/node org.bluez.Node.GetProperties
where $devpath
is an entry of the Devices array of the
call before and looks like:
connecting a hid device
dbus-send --system --dest=org.bluez --print-reply $devpath org.bluez.Input.Connect
as above.
pairing a device
python /usr/share/doc/bluez/examples/simple-agent hci0 $address
was discovered by the first step above and is the device address
like: 00:11:22:AA:BB:CC
removing a device
python /usr/share/doc/bluez/examples/simple-agent hci0 $address remove
trusting a device
python /usr/share/doc/bluez/examples/test-device trusted $address yes
playing sound
gst-launch-0.10 filesrc location=recit.mp3 ! mad ! audioconvert ! sbcenc ! a2dpsink device=$address
gconftool -t string -s /system/gstreamer/0.10/default/musicaudiosink "sbcenc ! a2dpsink device=$address"
youtube video download
Thu, 26 May 2011 10:29 categories: codeBeing intimidated by youtube-dl with its over 3000 lines of code, I thought there must be a simpler way than that and wrote a little shell script that now does all I want: download youtube videos.
#!/bin/sh -e
if [ "$#" -ne "1" ]; then
echo specify the youtube id as the first argument
exit 1
urldecode() { echo -n $1 | sed 's/%\([0-9A-F]\{2\}\)/\\\\\\\x\1/gI' | xargs printf; }
data=`curl --silent --cookie-jar "$cookiejar" "$baseurl"`
for part in `echo $data | tr '&' ' '`; do
key=`echo $part | cut -d"=" -f1`
value=`echo $part | cut -d"=" -f2`
if [ "$value" != "" ]; then
value=`urldecode "$value"`
case "$key" in
for format in `echo $value | tr ',' ' '`; do
fmt=`echo $format | cut -d"|" -f1`
url=`echo $format | cut -d"|" -f2`
if [ "$fmt" = "18" ] \
|| [ "$fmt" = "22" ] \
|| [ "$fmt" = "37" ] \
|| [ "$fmt" = "43" ] \
|| [ "$fmt" = "45" ] ; then
if [ "$fmt" -gt "$highestfmt" ]; then
done ;;
"title") title="$value" ;;
echo writing output to "${title}_${code}.mp4"
curl --location --cookie "$cookiejar" "$highesturl" > "${title}_${code}.mp4"
rm $cookiejar
and in python because that was so much fun
#!/usr/bin/env python
import cookielib, urllib2, shutil, urlparse, sys
cookie_processor = urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookielib.CookieJar())
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print "specify the youtube id as the first argument"
code = sys.argv[1]
baseurl = ""%code
data = urllib2.urlopen(baseurl).read()
data = urlparse.parse_qs(data)
title = data["title"][0]
url = dict(part.split('|', 1) for part in data["fmt_url_map"][0].split(','))
url = url.get("37", url.get("22", url.get("18")))
print "writing output to %s_%s.mp4"%(title,code)
data = urllib2.urlopen(url)
with open("%s_%s.mp4"%(title,code), 'wb') as fp:
shutil.copyfileobj(data, fp, 16*1024)
The shell script can also easily turned into something that will deliver you the video remotely. This is useful if you have the server in the US and get annoyed by all the "This video contains content from ****. It is not available in your country." messages when accessing content e.g. from Germany.
Just change the top part into this:
#!/bin/sh -e
read request
while /bin/true; do
read header
[ "$header" = "`printf '\r'`" ] && break
code="${request#GET /}"
code="${code% HTTP/*}"
and the bottom part into this:
url=`curl --silent --head --output /dev/null --write-out %{redirect_url} --cookie "$cookiejar" "$highesturl"`
while [ "$url" != "" ]; do
url=`curl --silent --head --output /dev/null --write-out %{redirect_url} --cookie "$cookiejar" "$highesturl"`
curl --silent --include --cookie "$cookiejar" "$highesturl"
rm $cookiejar
then you can run the script like this:
while true; do netcat -l -p 80 -e; done
or by using inetd:
www stream tcp nowait nobody /usr/local/bin/youtube youtube
And better chroot the whole thing.